As places start opening up, I’m faced with a series of decisions. My beliefs align with #saferathome and #flattenthecurve, so I have to figure out how what I do, what my family does, as policies and governing bodies loosen restrictions. It’s a reminder of how powerful systems are, how it’s hard to act contrary to the status quo even when we feel strongly. Do we go to camp? Visit family? The answers seemed so clear a few weeks ago. As we shift from public health guiding the way to balancing the demands of commerce and the desire of folx to “get back to normal,” we have to create decision trees to help us hold to our values amidst changing landscapes.

#DecisionsDecisions #DecisionTrees #Covid19 #SaferAtHome #FlattenTheCurve #MoveAtTheSpeedOfEquity #OpenEquitably #RaisingEquity #AtTheSpeedOfEquity #DrKira #REPodcast